Match Day 2022

After a challenging couple of years, we are thrilled to once again be sponsoring new students! For our biggest year yet, we’ve awarded 21 new scholarships, bringing our total number of students to 60! With an increased number of scholarships, we are hoping to have a strong fundraising year, starting with our annual Few for Change Match Day Fundraiser on Thursday, May 26! For 24 hours, donations will be doubled, thanks to generous donors who have pledged to match all gifts up to $5,000. Here’s how you can maximize your impact:

  • Donate to our 3-year students like Mercedes, whose initial 3-year scholarships are complete. These students are all doing well in school and we would like to extend their scholarships an additional year for $600 per student. We hope to continue funding them through their high school careers until graduation! 

  • Donate to one of our returning university students like, Xiomara, who is currently enrolled in a university program in Chiriqui, or Roger, who is starting his first year of university. A gift of $60 supports one month of a university scholarship, $350 supports a full semester, and $700 supports a full year of university.

  • Or consider donating to our General Fund so that we can support our current and future students to continue their educations. Click the donate button below or visit, then click on the blue General Fund button to contribute to this initiative!

Help us reach our goal of $13,000 donations for our 2022 scholarship recipients!

Featured Scholars

What is your favorite subject?

“My favorite class is math even though it gives me difficulty to understand some of the content. However, I like to learn math because it is so difficult. Many of my classmates do not like math and sometimes ask me if I'm serious. I feel that it is not impossible to master all of the content of math, and I can show students to understand it and demonstrate that it is beautiful to know math.”

What dreams do you have for your family, community/town or people?

“I will study the major of law and political science, because with this major, I will be able to defend the rights of children, women, etc. that are the victims of family and social violence. Through this career I will be able to bring justice to them.”

What do you want to do after graduation?

“The career I want to study is medicine because from it I can learn many things, especially the types of medicinal plants that can be found in our location and additionally, it is the only profession that attends to and protects the health of the people before they are born as well as for the rest of their lives.”

Remote Scholarship Ceremonies 2022